
Do You Eat Too Much Because You Are NOT Living Your Dream???


VictoryBonjour From Nice, France!

There’s something about traveling to a new city that instantly makes you feel alive. Even parking garages are fascinating because they are different and in another language. I am so blessed to be able to explore Nice, France for the first time in my life, it’s absolutely stunning here! If you ever get a chance to go I HIGHLY recommend it!

As I stand in the Nice parking lot waiting to pay for our four day adventure I think to myself, holy sh*t I am in France!Paula Galli Nice France Boats


I automatically say CIAO and GRAZIE to everyone because the four hour drive from Italy to France couldn’t possibly have taken me to another country! But it has, darling I am not in a big Canada anymore!

I am not sure about you but whenever I go to a new country I love exploring places and people watching. Not in a creepy way but more from a perspective of seeing how different cultures act and result in different types of behaviours, movements, body languages and styles.

After living in a very, very tiny Italian town for the last month, it is nice to be in a bigger city once again. I keep thinking about how when I was in my early 20s I asked to be in Europe with my boyfriend in my late 20s. At the time I was single and had no idea how this would come true.

Well here I am 28 years old, living in Europe with my boyfriend. This is the power of asking for what you want!

Oftentimes people overeat, restrict or use food as a way to avoid attaining what they TRULY WANT FROM THEIR LIVES. As my one of my Idol’s Oprah would say, “This I know for sure.”

So with this being said, I wanted to write to YOU this week about manifesting the life of YOUR dreams!

What are the things that you want for yourself and your life?? – no really what are they??

For any of you that have been participating in the 21 Day End Emotional Eating Challenge you know by now that one’s relationship with food is a reflection of one’s relationship with their own life.

Laying out your dreams and starting to achieve them one by one is a great way to begin to gain inner confidence, connection to your truth and in turn allow you to no longer feel you have to overeat, under eat or restrict anymore.

One of my dreams has been to travel the world. My curiosity of human nature, behaviours, history and psychology has made me highly interested to interact and “study” in a sense with a different cultures first hand.

As I begin to check off countries from the world I feel that the dreams and goals I have set out for myself are coming true! That alongside writing my first book, “Weighing Love.” – of course!

I want to know …
What are YOUR REAL dreams and wishes?
What do you want for yourself and your life if things were to be over in a month?
A year? Three years? Five years?

Asking yourself these types of questions is important to see if you are living your current life in accordance with your dreams and also is a good way of realizing what you may benefit from incorporating into your life today!

As I head back out to the beautiful French sunlight, I ask you –

What do you really want?
Why is that important to you?
What’s stopping you from achieving that?
What do you need to incorporate into your life today to start having your dream come true?
Who do you need to enroll in your life in order to help you achieve those dreams? Friends, family members, coaches, maybe take a new course or get a new job?

I invite you to share what you want in the comments section below. There is something really powerful about sharing what you truly want to the world.

The rest is up to you my friend.

You really are the creator of your own life and this is something I am learning more and more each day.

Taking responsibility for your own life is so important because when we don’t we are “helpless victims” to our past circumstances and, in turn, miss out on the now and all of the wonderful opportunities that surround us!!

I looking forward to hearing from each of you!!!

Au revoir!

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
Fall In Love With Yourself

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