
Do You Look At Food Differently When You Workout?


I wrote this entry a few weeks ago but I wanted to share it with you today ☺

As I write this entry on a raining Italian day, I am inside of a café where I hear an Italian talk show playing behind me. It reminds me of my Nonni’s from both sides and I instantly feel comforted and safe, almost as if I am not even away from home.

Living in a small town within Italy, there is not that much to do. There is a gym, located about 7 minutes walking distance away from where I am staying. Every time I walk in I think I am living inside of the 90’s again, the gym looks like it is straight from then!

I figure that I have absolutely no reason to start exercising daily now since I don’t have that much going on these days. I must admit that I am still one of those people who will move for a few weeks and then stop for a few, sometimes, even months. I often put other things in front of working out, because I tell myself,

“Its ok. I love my body now the way the it is, I don’t need to workout.” Pic For Blog April 18th Number 2

But I have recognized that that way of thinking is still stemming from inside of the EGO’s perspective, the EGO’s way of thinking.

And I AM SURE THAT YOUR EGO IS PLAYING NUMEROUS TRICKS FOR YOU, this is why I wanted to share this blog entry with you.

My EGO tells me to “workout” to burn calories, to become skinnier and more toned and to look better.

My SPIRIT, MY TRUTH nudges me to MOVE to feel better, give my body what it deserves, strengthen my muscles, help my bones, improve my circulation, make my digestion operate to the best of its ability and release chemicals in my brain to have better brain chemistry.

For the past while in Italy, I have gotten on a routine to have daily movement in my life, really be a priority. I will be the first to admit, that re-framing my mind to see working out, as movement, has been a journey that I am still on.

When I began working out years back, I would cover the calorie counter on the machine with a towel, reminding myself that it didn’t matter how many calories I burned, as I was not there for that.

Today I don’t even think about that kind of stuff anymore, rather I am focusing on providing my body with movements that make me feel good and that I enjoy.

For any of you that have followed along to the 21 day Love Your Body Challenge and the 21 Day End Emotional Eating Challenge, this subject has been something that we have talked a lot about.

I believe that this is an important part of truly healing any dysfunctional relationship with your body (or food at that matter).

The reason why I am bringing food into the picture for this is because often times when people begin to “workout” again, they way they look at food shifts. They think to themselves, “While I worked out today, so I can’t eat that.” Or “That would just be a waste of my workout.”

Like me be super clear with you. If you wanting to change your relationship with food, your body, yourself and in turn you life, that way of thinking is going to never allow you to achieve that.

Those two thoughts listed are simply just two typical examples of the EGO being at play, once again, which causes you to live inside the rigid, self-harming mindset of the ALL OR NOTHING way of living.


I encourage you to NOT ALLOW YOURSELF to listen to those stories, but rather ask yourself,

“What would I like to eat at this meal?”
“What does my body respond nicely to?”

The same can be said when you are choosing to “workout” or involved in any types of movement, whether that be at the gym, in a dance class, taking a yoga class, pilates, going for a walk, or even stretching at home.


I invite you to let go of this limited way of thinking and focus your mind on your INTENTION behind why you are choosing to move? Behind why you are choosing to eat.

When we are living inside of our EGOs, we never feel like we have any choices at all, but in fact we do. My book, Weighing Love will teach you just this; ultimately how to choose and create the life of your dreams, the relationship with yourself, your body and the food that you eat that you desire, through learning how to be the controller of your mind, rather than allowing your mind to control you!

Mine today is to release serotonin within my brain, (which is the feel good chemical) that automatically gets stimulated after 15-20 minutes of movement!

Mine is also to stretch and do pilates, as I love the way it makes me feel today, while also reminding me of my younger years as a dancer ☺

My intention for eating today is what has always has been for the last few years, to enjoy the food I eat, to provide my body with nourishment, vitamins, minerals, and a big one that I think all of you can relate with when you go travelling – to help my body do what it needs to do to go to the bathroom!!!!!

So what are your intentions today for eating today and for your body????

I invite you to share your intentions below!

Sending Lots of Love To You, Your Body & The Food That You Eat!
Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
Fall In Love With Yourself

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