
Do You Set Goals For Yourself?


I am sitting at a coffee shop with my best friend of over 20 years, Kyla. She is a beautiful person inside and out, as well as a newly graduated Naturopathic Doctor.  With the release of my new book in a few weeks and her recent graduation, we were talking about our future goals.

Kyla and I have done some pretty amazing things over the last 20 years of our lives such as travel to Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Laos, as well as, lived in Vancouver together while we were in school. We both have always been focused on our futures and how we can become the people we always envisioned for ourselves.

Before I moved to Vancouver I worked at lululemon and became the Goal Coach of the store.  I coached all of the staff members about their goals within lululemon and in their outside lives as well.

Learning how to set proper goals is so imperative for not only living a happy and healthy life, but also for those of you that are working on beating their ED.

Just like Kyla and I met numerous of our personal goals by travelling, our schooling and living out West in Vancouver, setting goals for our future careers and lives is very important as well.

So I am sharing this newsletter with you to ask you

DO YOU SET GOALS? Why or why not?

Are you like many people I used to coach that were too scared to write down what they really wanted because if it wasn’t accomplished by a certain day they would perceive themselves as a failure?
Are you too scared to even get to the place of acknowledging what you truly want for yourself and your life, let alone writing down what you want?

What’s stopping you from knowing that you deserve to live the life of your dreams and set goals around attaining it?

Goal Setting Is Actually REALLY Fun And Trust Me Not Scary At All!

You may be wondering how to set goals. This is my formula that I always use.

(1) 10- Year Vision – Start From Your Furthest Point Away From You!

Start by writing out a 10-year vision for yourself. You can achieve this by answering the following questions.

Where do you want your life to be in 10 years? What does it look like in areas of health, personal, career, financially etc.

Be as specific as you can be when you are writing out your answers. I usually guide clients to write out their ideal day in ten years from now. (ie. I wake up in the morning …and they explain what their day would look like)
Remember perfection is not the goal of this exercise, rather allowing your mind to even dream about what you want to have in your life is key!

(2) 5-Year Vision
Now based on that 10-year vision, write down a 5-year vision.

You can do this by answering the following questions.

If this is where you think you would like to be in 10 years, what would your life have to be like in 5 years to get you there?

Again, be as specific as possible when writing out this vision for yourself.

(3) 2-Year Vision
Based on that 5-year vision, what would you have to achieve in 2 years to get you on that path?

Lastly, what would you have to do today to get you on the path towards this 2-year vision?

Once you have this answer in mind, this is where the real goal setting comes into play. Once you have established where you want your life to go, it is much easier to set monthly, weekly and daily goals for yourself to get you there.

Goal setting can be really fun if you look at it like a game you are playing with yourself! Why not get together with a bunch of your friends and help each other out with their goals as well. This way you guys can all hold each other accountable for all of your goals and dreams.

I would suggest setting dates for when things need to be completed and use an agenda or calendar to make sure you stay on track with your goals!

Bottom line learning how to set goals for yourself is a REALLY important part of learning how to fall in love with yourself and your life. By accomplishing your goals, your confidence will build and you will be more in love with yourself each and everyday!

So get off my blog and go set some goals for yourself today!!!!!!

Lastly, remember have fun with this! This is your life!!!

PS. If you want help with this or anything else you are struggling with I am giving away FREE COACHING SESSIONS to help you deal with just this.

Just follow these easy steps below….

  1. Go to my website at and on the right hand side of the screen you will see a calendar.
  2. Choose a date and time that fits for you.


Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP

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