
Do You Want To Open Up To Love?


Today is February 14th, 2014 – Valentines Day. The one-day of the year we are told to think about love. I am going to call bullsh*t on this and make a very bold statement.


Love for ourselves, our bodies, food, our friends, family, partners and the beautiful earth we live on.

However, what I have learned, both professionally and personally, is that often times allowing ourselves to truly open up to love, gets blocked by one thing, fear. Learning to get past the fear that shows up as excuses, resistance and so much more, is a lot easier said that done. However, the positive thing to recognize is that with dedication, commitment and intention, you can get past these fear blocks if you truly want to, in time.

For this Valentines Day, I want to encourage you to fall in love with the most important person in your life – YOURSELF!!!!

So how can you step into self-love today????

The important thing to notice before you try to walk into self-love, is that SELF-ACCEPTANCE is the first step towards achieving self-love.

Until you truly begin to ACCEPT who you are, loving yourself is nearly impossible.

Here are three tips that you can apply today which will allow you to step into self-love and self-acceptance:

(1)Be Kind To Yourself With Your Words –
Don’t allow your mind to say mean things about you or your body. Choose thoughts that are stemming from self-acceptance and self-love. If this is hard for you to figure out what is permitted, I want you to ask yourself something.
Is what I am currently thinking about myself, something that I would say to my best friend?
If the answer is yes, then great keep thinking those types of thoughts.
If the answer is no, then you know that you are not saying something kind to yourself. Change that thought to something you would tell a loved one, even if it feels weird, strange or untrue. The more you practice speaking kind words towards yourself, the easier it will come to do this automatically.

(2)Take Yourself Out On A Date –
Just like you plan dates with friends, partners and family members, schedule (MINIMUM ) one date night with yourself.
Whether that means taking yourself out for coffee, to a restaurant, a movie, or staying in with a warm cup of tea and your favourite book

(3)Write Down 5 Things You Really Like About Yourself EVERYSINGLE DAY –

This one is self-explanatory before you go to bed each night, write down something you like about yourself internally or externally/something you are proud of yourself for.

This again is going to help reframe your mind and in turn allow your automatic thoughts to transform and stem from a place of self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect.

So there you have it, Those are three very small yet SUPER POWERFUL tips that you can start doing today to help you OPEN UP TO LOVE – love of the most important person in your life!

– Love of yourself that is!!!!! –

Happy Valentines Day!


Learn How To Love Yourself Today

You deserve to TRULY love and accept yourself, just as you did when you were a baby. Let me help you connect back to this part of yourself for FREE

Book a FREE coaching call with me, where we will explore what is in your way of having you truly being in love with yourself.

(1)Just got to

(2)On the right hand side you will see a calendar. Book a date and time that works for you.

(3)Call me during the scheduled time you booked at 4168826098 and that’s it!!!


Sending Lots of Love To You, Your Body & The Food That You Eat,

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
Fall In Love With Yourself

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