
5 Helpful Tips For Every New Mom & Mom-To-Be


The gift of motherhood has been the best one of all. I’m so blessed and so happy to be a mother, and I cannot wait to spend my growing years with my beautiful little girl. Though I’m still very new at being a mother, I wanted to share my list of the top five things that are important for new moms and moms-to-be to know.


1. Listen To Your Instincts
There are so many parenting resources out there. Though most offer some valuable insights, it is important to not get too caught up. The most important thing to remember is that you know your baby best. Don’t get caught up thinking these resources know better than you do.

2. Listen To Your Baby
Your baby will communicate with you through body language and crying, and within the first few weeks, you will begin to notice behaviours and different tones of crying that are clearly trying to tell you something. It is important to pay close attention to these cues, as they could help you understand what your baby is telling you.

3. Take Naps
If you’re a new mom, you know what lack of sleep feels like. If you know me, you know that I’m a big fan of naps (and more so now that I have a newborn). Get as much sleep as you can. So, if baby goes down for a nap, follow suit and lie down as well. Even if you don’t actually fall asleep, the downtime will replenish your energy.

4. Get Some Alone Time
It is important to carve out some time (every day) that is just for you. Being a new mom can have you feeling emotionally depleted so take a quick bath, read a few pages from a book or listen to music for a few minutes every day.

5. Ask For Help
You should never be afraid to ask for help. Raising a newborn is hard work. Enlist your partner, parents or friends to help you out when things get a little too overwhelming.

It’s pretty hard to believe that my baby is already a month old. If I learned anything this passed month, it is that motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs. I’ve grown to learn that motherhood is not about being the perfect mother, but rather about giving your children a beautiful, understanding and forgiving love every day of their life.

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Xo Paula

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