
6 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence


One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was my lack of self-confidence. Sadly, I wasn’t the only one. A lack of self-confidence is something that many people face on a daily basis.

The key question is: how do you overcome this?

The truth is, once we believe in ourselves, we’re more apt to take risks and to pursue the spontaneity of life. This is something that I’ve been doing over the years, and that’s what helped me gain the confidence to embrace my authentic self, and finally pursue my dreams.

By taking control of your life, your concrete actions that improve your competence, and your self-image, you’ll be able to confidently speak your truth without the help of anyone else.

Here’s how…

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Think Positive
Placing your focus on the worst possible outcome can cause you unnecessary anxiety, and stop you from taking real action. Use your energy to acknowledge the positive things that come your way. What you focus on expands, so it’s important to see the good in everything.

Acknowledge Your Fears
Fear is normal. The key is to not let it hinder your feelings. Recognizing your fears will help you address them rather than trying to escape them. The best way to address your fears is to write out what it is you are afraid of and what you will do to conquer it.

Cultivate Relationships
Connect with those close to you, whether they are family or friends, to keep your perspective uplifted. Maintaining a positive support network will help you to embrace positivity and ultimately boost your self-confidence.

Forgive Yourself
Feeling more confident is one part of living a happier, more fulfilling life. If you’ve done something in the past that you are ashamed of, forgive yourself and move on. Growing rather than dwelling on the past will allow you to overcome any self-limitations.

Identify Your Talents
Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, and focus on them. If you give yourself permission to take pride in what you’re good at, you will become a more confident person. Trust me, this has worked for myself as well as for all of my clients.

Make Room For Balance In Your Life
Balancing work, play and of course time for yourself will give you the confidence to go about your life in a more fulfilling way. Being able to properly balance your life will not only make you a happier person, but it will also increase your chances of meeting new people that share the same interests as you. Go on, get out there!

If you have any further questions, comments or would like to book a 2-hour complimentary coaching session with me, please email me at

I also invite you to check out my book ‘Weighing Love,’ which was written with the intention to help anyone who is dealing with eating disorders/disordered eating, self-esteem issues, body image issues, and negative thoughts, or for anyone who is trying to reach touch with their authentic self.

Xo Paula

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