
A Guide To Meditation


Meditation is the art of silencing the mind. Originally adopted as a Buddhist practice, mindfulness meditating has now become a mainstream form of therapy and is particularly effective in finding clarity and peacefulness. This elusive inner clarity is what attracts so many people to meditation and it is certainly something everyone can benefit from.

Meditation is an element of yoga, which is concerned with mental relaxation and attentiveness. During meditation, awareness is focused on thoughts and breathing. Being conscious of breathing automatically organizes the thinking process and thus relaxes the mind entirely.


I’ve been meditating for the past 8 years, not only because it frees my mind of clutter, but also because I truly enjoy it. This is why I wanted to share with you a quick guide to meditation – that is, if you have not already adapted this practice yourself.

Before we start, I want you to know that meditation can occur in various forms. You can meditate i.e. ‘clear your mind,’ by taking a walk through nature, sitting in front a fire place and watching the fire go as you breathe, listening to relaxing music in the comfort of your home, etc. All you need is your breath.

I have tried various forms of meditation – all of them I love! For beginners, I suggest you start by following the guide below, as this will get you on track to silencing the mind.

1. Find A Quiet Space
A quiet room with no distractions is best for successful meditation. Mental clutter will become an even more burden if you are distracted. Distraction draws the mind elsewhere.

2. Reposition Your Posture
It is important to keep a tall spine. To ensure your posture is correct, inhale and roll the shoulders up to your ears. From there, you may exhale and bring your shoulders back to their original position. Proper posture will allow for proper breathing.

3. Close Your Eyes
Meditation should be practiced with your eyes closed. Visual clutter can feel imposing as you try to settle in.

4. Follow Your Breath
Breathing consciously during meditation is important for successful practice. It assists us in connecting to subtle energy from within. It is through the breath that we are able to guide our emotional and physical states.

5. Follow Your Inner Guide
Because meditation occurs within the moment, it is important to think within the moment. Don’t go to your thoughts. Instead, trust your inner guide to follow your thoughts.

6. Find A Time That’s Best For You
I practice meditation before I go to sleep, but that doesn’t mean you have to too! We different lives, and we certainly have different schedules. The most important thing to remember is that successful mediation will occur when you are most alert, so pick a time that is best for you.

Have you tried meditating before? If so, I’d love to hear about it! What mediation practices work for you? Share them in the comments section below!


Xo Paula

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