
Become A Healthier Eater (Even If You Loooovee Dessert)


What does becoming a “healthier eater” mean to you?

For me, it means learning how to fall in love with food!

I believe that when you truly fall in love with food, the way you begin to see the benefits of it – “healthiness” – becomes an automatic way of being with and seeing food.

Learning how to fall in love with food comes from understanding first and foremost the reason as to why we need to eat to begin with.

Understanding the REAL reasons as to why humans need to eat is key, when trying to change old conditioned thoughts and programming towards food and eating.

Acknowledging and really understanding that food was provided to us from the earth with a purpose, TO HELP US SURVIVE AND THRIVE.

Yet, for anyone who has ever lived with an unhealthy relationship with food where which weight loss or bodily shape have been connected to eating, our minds can often forget to remind us this.

With all of the information out there, there is obvious reason as to why this occurs.Red-Velvet-Cupcakes

Everywhere you look you are learning about the new food not to eat, the new food to eat a lot of and the latest fat burning method.

Food has lost its basic value, which is nutrition.

Food has lost its ability to be a source of self-care and ultimately self-love.

Food has malformed into “the enemy” at times or something to be scared to ingest the “wrong” type of.

With all of the fad diets, processed foods, as well as, the misinformation that our mind continues to replay to us daily, it is no wonder that numerous individuals are struggling with “what to eat” and have a real struggle eating “healthy”.

As I mentioned in my video blog a few weeks ago found here:, I am committed to helping you truly fall in love with yourself, your body, the food that you eat and your life!

Though I did study nutrition, my real love lies in helping individuals truly become their own best friend. What I have learned both professionally and personally, is that until your relationship with food stems from a place of self-care and self-love, the goal of being your own best friend is never going to be met.

This is why I studied nutrition, to learn how to take care of myself more, to ultimately learn how to love myself more AND TO HELP YOU DO AND FEEL THE SAME.

Once I loved myself more, my life was different and yours can be too!

I decided to become a holistic nutritionist because I believe in all areas of the self where which their nutritional choices are affected and influenced by each area.

I also believe that an individual’s nutritional choices affect all areas of their self and their lives.

The two cannot be separated or divided like I tried to do for so many years of my life.

Without food we die, plain and simple. This is something I have to remind clients of mine who are struggling with extreme restriction of food, also known as anorexia daily.

Many of you are not literally going to die with the way in which your relationship with food currently is, but let me ask you something….

“Are you truly living the way you want to be?”

“Is the way you think about food, eat food, prepare food, buy food, ignore food, obsess over food, binge on food or more – what you REALLY want it to be?”

If you answered no to either of those questions then I would invite you to think about what is stopping you from living the way you truly want to be living and what is stopping you from having that relationship with food.

I am going to provide you with weekly entries that will get you to dig deeper into your psyche to start to break apart your relationship with food, yourself & your body, in hopes of guiding you to live your ideal life just like we spoke about last week!

I would love to hear any comments you have about how you want to become a healthier eater and ultimately fall in love with food!



Learn How To Fall In Love With Food & Eat Healthier For FREE!

Just follow these easy steps below….

1.Go to my website at and on the right hand side of the screen click on the orange button that says book now.

2. Choose a date and time that fits for you.


– Fall In Love With Food Today! –

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP
Transformational Coach,
 Food Therapist & Author of “Weighing Love”

Fall In Love With Yourself Today!

PS. Make sure to check in with all of the latest Health and Wellness Tips from this week, from our Health & Fitness Guru, Liz, Holistic Nutritionist, Sondi and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Kremblewski at

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