
Do You Know What Time It Is?… It’s Time for Some SELF-CARE!!!!


During a busy holiday season where which a lot of our energy goes to friends and family, we often put ourselves and our health (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually) on the last on our lists.
Since it is that time of year, I wanted to bring up the importance of self-care, something that many people I speak about with, indicate they never do enough or any of.

Self-care can take place in numerous different forms. Some examples are: going for a walk, cooking yourself a delicious meal, having a nap, meditating, going to the gym, reading a book, taking a bath. Bottom line, if it is something that involves taking care of yourself in whatever healthy and positive form you benefit from which allows your body, mind and soul to be relaxed, this is what I consider self-care.

Whatever form you choose, I challenge you this week to incorporate some self-care activities into your daily life even if for 10 mins a day. As a result, you will transition these new acts of self-care into daily routines for yourself in the new year.

Remember, the more often you act in putting the needs of yourself first, you are doing all of those around you a service by presenting them with your best self.

Hope you enjoy the rest of 2012! Until next week 🙂

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