
Do You Think Too Much?


Today I was running around doing all of my errands, my never ending list of things to do. I remember when I was younger I used to think that there would be a day upon which this list of mine would just stop and I would have everything done! But what I realized was that for as long as I am alive and living my life where I am doing things – this list will never die.

One of my things on my list today was to write this blog and I was thinking of what should I write about this week since the last little while I have been focusing on food.

Since I had so many thoughts going on in my mind, a lot of them which were initiated by my to do list, I thought about how thinking too much isn’t necessarily a good thing.

I feel that our society is set up with this idea around us always needing to DO things, which in turn always causes us to have to THINK.

When you are living a life with ED this thinking gets really focused on weight, physical appearance, what others are thinking of you, food, calories, perfectly laid out plans and more.

What I have realized over the years is that learning how to still our minds is a very powerful and important tool, as it has the ability to teach us how to quiet our thoughts and not have them run wild and somewhat be out of control – just as ED is himself!

Learning how to control our mind is very important.

Thinking a million different thoughts all day long isn’t good for us, as it causes us stress not only in our thoughts themselves but in our bodies as well.

Our heart may race faster as it is keeping up with our never ending thoughts that run wild and our cortisol levels are probably released more and overly activated, which in turn can affect our other hormones, immune system and overall health.

These are just a few things that show up when we are thinking too much.

So if you have ever been one of those people that have been told,

“You think too much” like I have –

I think that’s the universes’ way of telling you it’s time to start taking control of your mind and slowing down your thoughts by meditating!

The simplest way to explain what I mean when I think about meditating is to practice being still where which you purposely focus on your breathe rather than being distracted by your thoughts and allow yourself to be present in the moment which is guided by your breathe.

The more you do this the easier it will be as you will have less thoughts running around in your brain distracting you, keeping you overly thinking about things that truly aren’t serving your best interest like weight, preoccupation with food, calories and more. Learning to be this way allows you to actually be living in the moment rather than listening to another BS story told to you by ED or you EGO.


So I highly suggest that you start practicing doing this for even 5 minutes a day and watch how you become more relaxed, calm and happier! 

P.S Are you ready to stop thinking too much today? Let me know in your comments below!!!

Paula Galli, Motivational Coach, Nutritional Counsellor & Self-Esteem Expert

2 thoughts on “Do You Think Too Much?”

  1. Too much thinking is so disturbing.. I’m one of those people.. So quieting the mind is so helpful!!’ So comforting!!!

  2. Thanks Paula for this nudge. Its 4:50am, I am awake with my thinking training chugging along at top speed. Last night after dinner I was told some news about my resently exed partner and the train wreck was in full swing. I told a friend, about my run away thoughts and she suggested meditation. ‘Slowing down the train’, I named it as I was aware of these run away thoughts, unhelpful, unsafe at that speed. And now here I am laying awake with my thought train chugging a__way, I turn to my email to shift tracks, and find your newsletter…reinstating my need to get back to meditation and start ‘conducting’ my ‘train’ of thought.
    Thanks. Keep up the good work and messages!
    Allison Power
    Victoria, BC, Canada

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