
Doing everything right and still not shedding the extra pounds?


Hey there,

Haven’t you always KNOWN, on some intuitive level, that you really do HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, inside of you, to create REAL physical health and the peaceful and HAPPY state of mind you have always dreamed of?

You know that nagging feeling, that if you just had that one illusive “secret” to unlock the door to your OWN “innate” healing powers, that you would finally drop the pounds, you’d drop the fake ‘happy mask’ and move into REAL HONEST HEALTH AND HAPPINESS.

I know you’ve been searching for the truth, because why else would you read this? Why else would you even be interested…

If you are ready to find out, go ahead and click here now >>>>>

I also know that the media and the internet are FULL of quick fix schemes, and empty promises that JUST DON’T DELIVER THE GOODS!

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of this diet-mania BS.

My friend and colleague, Dr. Kellee Rutley has created a single resource for you, where you can receive all of the tools YOU need to truly create OPTIMAL health. It only seems like everyone else has it, trust me, they don’t.

Being “Well” and happy is truly your birthright! You don’t have to keep pretending here, because Dr. Kellee and I can relate to what you are going through. Why? Because we’ve been there ourselves!

Dr. Kellee will share her own personal struggle with health, weight, and vitality and how years of damaging diets and fads left her exhausted, sick and burnt out. After years of trial and error, Dr. Kellee finally understood what it takes to be ‘truly healthy’. And now she’s teaching it to you!

Can you imagine being a doctor of natural health, yet feeling exhausted, tired and sluggish all the time? That’s what Kellee went through, and that’s what inspired her to dig even DEEPER. Deep into food, fitness, and the MIND! What REALLY makes us sick, and what REALLY makes us healthy?

Dr. Kellee has brought together, over 20 POWERHOUSE experts, including me! These experts are the “real deal”! Kellee has Naturopathic Doctors, Holistic Psychologists, Fitness experts with decades of experience, Hay House radio show hosts, and authors, and celebrity Chefs! All sharing this “virtual podium” to give YOU the answers you have been looking for.

If you want to become EMPOWERED with your own health and happiness; shed extra pounds, and truly feel WELL and have real VITALITY, go ahead and click the link below. ——-

You will walk away from this FREE online event with more tools and takeaways than you could ever imagine:

  • Stop the “deprivation-binge eating-guilt” cycle.
  • Create peace in your mind and your life with tools to EMPOWER you!
  • The Paleo lifestyle and why “ancestral eating” just makes sense!
  • Cooking with “consciousness” and intention. The way nature intended it to be.
  • Making your MIND your greatest asset to creating optimal health.
  • Decide you are WORTH it, and follow the few steps to get on the right path.
  • Real prevention: What if I am really sick? How to know for sure.
  • Thyroid health, hormones and your immune system: why we struggle with being overweight.

Dr. Kellee has asked me to speak on this FREE online event, and I am so appreciative and am excited to share the stage with all my fellow experts.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!

Sending Lots of Love To Yourself, Your Body, Your Food & Your Life!

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love” – Please “like” me while there so we can stay connected!!!

P.S. Share this transformative message with friends! Simply send them this link and they can enjoy free access to the summit as well.

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