
Did you get the message? Are You Listening?


Hi there,

At age 18, I felt lost, depressed, confused and completely unsure of who I was. After being told by the doctor that I needed anti-depressants, something inside of me said, “No Paula, this is not the answer for you. You will find your happiness another way.”Paula age 18

I ventured into the self-help aisles at the local Chapters, scared, insecure and even a bit ashamed. Yet, something inside of me said, “Paula this is exactly where you are meant to be, keep looking.”

A book titled, “Stand Up For Your Life,” caught my eye. The title alone was relatable and the woman on the cover had brown hair and green eyes, just like me.

Something inside of me said, “This is the book, this will help you.”

Little did I know that the woman with brown hair and green eyes was none other than the amazing Life Coach, who I admire and respect so much today, Cheryl Richardson.

As I read through this book, so confused and unsure of everything, that little voice said to me, “One day you are going to be writing books like this. Teaching material like this. Helping people like she does.”

5 years later, I was working at lululemon and was a self-made “Goal Coach” for the Sherway Gardens’ staff. With nothing more than an innate ability, desire and a few tools, I began coaching over 30 employees. The feedback I received from the staff was amazing. On top of the beautiful feedback, something inside of me said, “Paula you are meant to do this.”

Once again, I listened to that voice and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, and took my first Life Coaching program.

I then studied Holistic Nutrition, Reiki, wrote my first book, “Weighing Love” and focused a lot of my attention on helping individuals dealing with Eating Disorders.

Though the journey has been wonderful, I have found myself pulled back to practice and master my initial desire, Life Coaching.

What I have learned over the last decade is that deepening your connection with that little voice/nudge inside of you and TRUSTING that it holds the truth, is one of the key steps in personal transformation and fulfilling your dreams and purpose on this planet.

I have a few questions for you:

Are you listening to your inner voice? What is it saying to you?

Do you know what your dreams are? If not, is that something you are curious about?

If you do know, are you following your dreams? If not, what is in your way?

Last week I sent out a link about the FREE Video Training Series that would help you transform your life.

I also mentioned that FOR THIS MONTH ONLY you would receive $350 OFF of the Depths Of You Coaching Program.

My intention is to walk you down YOUR TRUE path, if you choose to listen to that deeper internal voice/nudge which knows best for you.

Regardless of what you decide, I invite you to TAKE ACTION with one of these options because doing nothing new, leads to nothing new happening in your life!

I invite you to choose at least one step below to TAKE ACTION!

(1) If you know you want to SAVE $350 (by Oct 31st) and be all set up for the New Year, then click here to register for the Depths Program

(2) If you are interested in knowing more about the course and would like to speak with me directly, please email me at we will set up a time to talk through your questions.

(3) If you are unsure all together, but haven’t watched the FREE video training  series to help you fall in love with yourself, your body and your life and are curious about it, then click here.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Sending you lots of love and light 🙂

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP

Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love” – Please “like” me while there so we can stay connected!!!

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