
A Guide To Loving Yourself


love uFor countless years of my life, I would look in the mirror and focus on what I thought should be different. My thighs should be smaller, my waist should be tighter, my hair should be thicker. Then I began thinking that things within myself should change as well. I should be smarter. I should be funnier.

The truth was nothing needed to change about me, externally or internally. The only thing that needed to change, or should I say, grow was my level of self-love.

I won’t lie to you, the road towards fully loving myself wasn’t always an easy one to walk, but it was the best journey I ever took. The way in which my life has shifted as a result of becoming my own best friend is something I am grateful for each day. Walking on the path towards self-love has lead me to become extremely passionate about sharing it’s life changing effects with everyone around me.

This is why today I wanted to share with you a guide that will help you begin your own personal journey towards loving yourself. I believe developing self-love is the key and foundation to truly loving to live your life.

If you are ready to start your own self-love journey then I invite you to spend the love month of February focusing on improving your love towards yourself, with the following tips.

1. Practice Gratitude & Be Thankful For What You Do Have

We often get fixated on what we don’t have or what we wish we had. This presents itself not only with external things, but also with our appearance, body shape and internal qualities. Rather than getting fixated on everything you believe you would rather want, become grateful for the things you do have. (ie. beautiful legs that allow you to walk and dance, a gorgeous smile that lights up the room, a funny personality, a warm bed to sleep in)

2.  Accept Yourself & Your Body As They Are Today

I believe the first step towards truly loving yourself comes with fully embracing and accepting yourself exactly where you are today. The same goes for your body. Using the gratitude exercise from above can help you do this, as the key to self-acceptance and ultimately self-love is through shifting your thoughts. It order to truly love yourself, acceptance is key.

3. Exercise Patience, Forgiveness & Compassion Towards Yourself

Often times it is hard to accept, let alone, love ourselves when we are still harbouring anger towards ourselves. Many clients and I spend countless sessions focussing on exercises that allow them to truly forgive themselves for things they are not proud of, wish they hadn’t done or possibly just view through a negative lens. It is essential to practice the art of forgiveness, patience and compassion towards yourself to truly ever embody self-love.

4. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Rather than looking at others and wishing you had their lives, their legs or their bank account, start focussing on yourself. Remind yourself it is not a competition, where one individual is better or worse then the other. Everyone is different, walking their own individual path. Focus on shifting your mindset off of another’s road and get back into the drivers seat of your own life. At the end of the day all you can do is make different choices that will change YOUR life, so put your energy into that and yourself instead.

5. Treat Yourself Like You Would Your Own Best Friend 

Above all else treat yourself as you would your own best friend (if you are a good friend that is!) But seriously, we often naturally treat others much better then we do ourselves. The next time you are upset with yourself, are hating on your legs, or wishing you had done something different, ask your, “What would I say to my own best friend right now if they were upset or complaining about this situation? What would I say to them if I heard how negative they were talking to themselves?” The answer should come to you quite quickly. Practice speaking to yourself in that loving, caring tone and watch how you in turn not only begin to love yourself more but become your own best friend.


I promise you that by practicing these simple, yet really effective tips, will begin to start walking the path towards fully loving yourself today. 

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