
Today I wanted to present you all with an amazing FREE link to find out if YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY…


Today I wanted to present you all with an amazing FREE link to find out if YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY…

chemical-balance-brain(1) is keeping you from eating the way you’d like to eat
(2) or is keeping you from making the changes you’d like to change,
(3) or is keeping you from doing the things that you try to get yourself to do

For any of you that have been following along with the 21 Day – End Emotional Eating Summit, you would have seen the fabulous, Lead Lund, talk about the importance of eating for adequate brain chemistry.

I am not sure about you, but I was FLOORED and FASCINATED when I first learned about this last year.

As a Psychology Major, when I first started studying about one’s relationship with food, I always saw it through the lens of a mental/emotional issue.

Yet, after receiving my Holistic Nutritionist’s certification, as well as, as being best friends with Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Kyla Kremblewski, (who shares health tips of my site for you all weekly), I learned that the physical body, what you feed it/don’t feed it and what is really going on inside, affects the way in which you eat and feel greatly!

Just like everything in my life, when I find something I like and believe in, I want to share it with others!

It’s funny, I laugh to myself as I write this entry in a little café in Italy, and think of one of my role models, Oprah. I laugh because she used to always share her favourite things and most beloved people, with others on her show. That is exactly what I am wanting to do with all of you today!

Truly falling in love with yourself, your body, the food that you eat and your life – IS A BIG A** TASK. I am not God, nor do I think that I know EVERYTHING (nor does anyone!).

This is why sharing each others unique gifts, like Leah’s ability to know if your BRAIN CHEMISTRY is one of the main reasons as to why you currently feel the way you do about yourself, your body, food and your life, is what today’s blog is about.

Simply click here  and this link will direct you to Leah’s brain chemistry assessment, as well as, a FREE STRATEGY SESSION WITH LEAH HERSELF!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! On behalf of your brain I thank-you for taking this brain assessment today ☺

Here’s the link again:

Sending Lots of Love To You, Your Body & The Food That You Eat!

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
Fall In Love With Yourself

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