
Want More Confidence??? 6 tips….


Hey there beautiful,

This week I wanted to talk to you about confidence, something I know we all could benefit from having more (or some of us less!).

But seriously, I know for many of you reading right now, confidence is something you want to improve about yourself and your life, inside and out.

This week I had the pleasure of being a part of an interview with the lovely, Lauren MacKenzie, Lifestyle and Business Strategist.

She asked me some amazing questions about confidence and I wanted to share that with you this week.

Before I share that piece with you, I want to leave you with a few self-reflection questions, as you may know, that I believe that gaining awareness of one’s self is the first step towards any sort of internal, bodily, food or life transformation. The more you know about how you currently feel the easier it will be to re-connect with and re-discover who you truly are.

So I invite you to answer these questions first.confidence # 2

Confidence Self-Reflecting Questions:

(1)What does confidence mean to you?

(2)Do you feel like you have always had confidence? If so why? If you used to and then “lost it”, when did you lose your confidence and why? If you never felt you had confidence in yourself, why?

(3)How would your life be different if you had confidence in yourself?

(4)How would your life be different if you had confidence in your body?

(5)What is one thing you could start doing today that could build confidence of yourself and/or your body??

Now that you have answered these questions, check out the questions I answered in her blog below.

Questions By: Lauren MacKenzie, Lifestyle and Business Strategist.

Answers By: Paula Galli – Me!

  1. When did you first start to feel confident in yourself and what got you there?

First, let me start off by saying, wow, and confidence what a great, powerful and big topic!!! 

Confidence to me is something that lies on a continuum. In this sense, to me, we all are born with it. However, throughout our lives, I believe certain experiences and situations can shift the scale for our confidence from very high to low, back to high to medium and so on and so forth. The notion that we are all born with confidence comes from the sense that I believe we are born as perfect, complete human beings, who love and accept ourselves just as we are. If this is true, then we are confident in who we are from birth. It is our experiences in life that actually chip away at those feelings of confidence and self-love that I think is very important to think about. We in turn, are meant to unlearn all the negative things we have taught ourselves about what we think we are, which affect the confidence we have for ourselves. 

With this all being said, I have always felt some sort of confidence in myself in certain areas of my life. Whether it was my grades in elementary school, or my flexibility in dance class, there was always something I felt good at. This, however, did not allow me to have confidence from my soul space. 

As many women do, I too struggled with low self-esteem, negative body image and a highly dysfunctional relationship with food, which highly affected my confidence from a core level.

I would say that when my confidence really grew to what it is today, where which external things such as good grades and flexibility didn’t define my confidence, was when I began telling the truth about who I really was in my early 20s. It was almost ironic, because my whole life I tried to be someone I thought was viewed as “perfect”, in hopes that I would find the confidence and happiness I was looking for. Yet, that never happened. It was once I told the world my struggles, shared my pain and began truly connecting with people from a soul level that I began to really feel confident in who I was in the world. For me, my pain and suffering brought me great confidence and love for myself, my body and food – all stemming from the inside out. 

What got me there was a deeper knowing that goes right back to the very first point I said. Something within me knew this wasn’t right and that we are all meant to be in love with and be confident in who we are in this world, exactly as we are. When my gut told me that, I was walking the first step towards reconnecting with myself again from a core level. 

The last thing I can say about confidence is that it comes from a place of stepping outside of your comfort zone, having the courage to do what you really want no matter what anyone says, fail, succeed, fail again and get back up. From there you build a character and level of confidence you never had before.

  1. What helps you refresh or re-find your confidence when you feel like you’ve lost it?

Hands down, working through my limiting beliefs, reframing my thoughts, focusing on what I am grateful for and goal/intention setting. Also, walking through nature and being by the water helps me connect back with myself and get grounded. 

Top 6 Tips To Build Your Confidence:

  1. Focus on the great things you have done in your life J
  2. Identify your strengths and things that come naturally to you
  3. Begin to ACCEPT who you currently are, what you currently look like and acknowledge that “perfection” is B.S! Embrace your uniqueness!!!
  4. Practice a positive self-talk
  5. Use your journal to keep track of your progression, transformation and personal journey J
  6. Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new daily!!!




Are you FINALLY SICK & TIRED of feeling like crap about yourself, your body, your life and the way you feel about food?!

I know I was and am for you!

That’s why I wanted to invite you to take advantage of the summer special I am offering where you will get one hour of free coaching with me to help you transform your life, in turn, build more confidence!!!

Simply follow these steps:

(1)Go to

(2)Click on the link

(3)Book Your FREE ONE HOUR SESSION and receive 4 other free gifts!

(4)Lets chat and build your confidence, dream life/body/relationship with food today!


Looking forward to hearing from you!!


Sending Lots Of Love To Yourself, Your Body, The Food That You Eat & Your Life,


Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP
Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
416.882.6098 – Please “like” me while there so we can stay connected!!!


P.S. (Summer Special!!! 60% OFF!!!) Get instant access to 5 AMAZING FREE GIFTS – INCLUDING 1 FREE HOUR OF COACHING with your purchase of, “Weighing Love”  from

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