
Create Your Dream Life: Your Wallet – Fatter, Your Body – What You Want It To Be, Your Tension – Lower


What Instantly Pops Up In Your Mind When You Read The Subject? What Made You Open This Post Up?

Do you think about a new house, fancy clothes or a new job?

Do you dream about falling in love with yourself, your body and food?

Regardless of what popped up into your mind…I believe that without first DREAMING of what you want, you will never step into what is possible for yourself and your life.

DREAMING about your future and thinking about what you want for yourself and your life IF ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE is the first step in CREATING YOUR DREAM LIFE.

I am not sure if you ever heard the term, IF YOU CAN DREAM IT YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT…And I couldn’t agree more with that!

The reason I think that this is true is because so many people struggle with even allowing their minds to drift to their dreams. There is one reason for this FEAR!
Fear that what they find in there might feel impossible, they may feel unworthiness or not deserving to achieve that or worst of all through this process they may realize that what they really want for themselves and their lives is by no way linked to anything in their current reality.

I understand these fears and have worked through each of them myself, so I know that it is possible to work through these fears first hand. The thing is that if you do not even learn how to allow your mind to open up to what you truly want for yourself and your life, how are things ever going to change?

It’s like going on a road trip without knowing what the final destination is and you are just driving around aimlessly. Yet, if you have even AN IDEA as to where you want to go, ie. The beach or maybe the mountains or maybe both – you are at least allowing your mind to focus in and choose a place you may want to try out for yourself, rather than just driving in circles daily and not understanding why nothing has changed or your inner spirit hasn’t been lite yet.

What I mean by this metaphor is that if you have an idea of where you want your life to go, by answering the following questions –

What is important to me this year? What do I want 2014 to look like? Where do I want to be sitting in 5 years if anything was possible?

The answers you find to these questions are answers that are going to help guide you in creating your dream life today.

I would even take this a step further and answer the following questions:

  1. What do you want your relationship with food to be like?
  2. What do you want your romantic relationship to be like? Relationship with friends and family? Relationship with yourself?
  3. What do you want you career to be like?
  4. Where do you want to be living?
  5. How do you want to feel about your body? Does it look the same? Are you stronger? Leaner? Or just feel comfortable in whatever weight and body you are living in?
  6. How is your relationship with food?
  7. How are your finances?
  8. What is your health like?
  9. How are your stress levels?
  10. What is your spiritual connection like?

These are just a few questions that you can begin to ask yourself in order to start 2014 off the way you want it to be.  Please don’t let your mind try to take you off track by saying, “Well it’s already the middle of January so I have missed the opportunity to create 2014 to be the way I want. “ That is the part of yourself that is living inside of fear. A part of yourself that I invite you to tell to take a back seat and back down!

I invite you to grab a new journal, a piece of paper and a pen and start to answer the questions I have posed. THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO CREATE IT TO YOUR LIKING. Yet, if you don’t even allow yourself to begin to dream of what you want how will things ever change?


I would love to hear any comments you have about what you want your 2014 to look like and how you plan on having that dream become a reality!

Learn How I Can Help You Create Your Dream Life For FREE!

Just follow these easy steps below….

1.Go to my website at and on the right hand side of the screen click on the orange button that says book now.

2. Choose a date and time that fits for you.


– Create Your Dream Life Today! –

Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP

Transformational Coach,
 Food Therapist & Author of “Weighing Love”

Fall In Love With Yourself Today!

PS. Make sure to check in with all of the FREE latest Health and Wellness Tips from this week, from our Yoga Expert, Geralyn, Holistic Nutritionist, Sondi and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Kremblewski at

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