
I must begin with applause.


I must begin with applause. This applause is for you! You have made the best choice for your well being by taking the step towards leading a healthy life.  You will not regret this, I assure you.

Although each weeks’ seminars will mainly focus on different exercises, from moderate to high-intensity, I do strongly feel we have a bit more to talk about before we get into the physical aspect of living a healthy life.

Your mind.

Your thoughts.

Your dialogue.


Awareness of your own mind is one very important contributor to becoming physically fit.  What your mind says, your body does.  If your mind is already telling you that you “can’t” do it, or convincing you that “you will never get there,” then guess what?! You are completely right.  You won’t!  So first, we must retrain our brain, our thoughts and how much you let these thoughts place these silly limitations on your actual physical capabilities by following these 3 easy steps!

Step 1 – Mute the Negativity

For every negative thought you have about yourself, you now owe yourself TWO positive thoughts about yourself – This will get you going, it works!

Step 2 – Set yourself GOALS!

Everyone starts somewhere. No use in comparing yourself to others. They began somewhere too! So set a goal that hits home and is YOURS. Set a time frame to reach it. Be truthful to yourself and really, really try. Write it down! Seeing your goals on paper makes it more real. Own your goal!

Step 3 – You do have the TIME!

There are 24 hours in a day.

8 hours for sleep.

8 hours for work.

8 hours for YOU!

………………………………Need I say more?

If you are making the commitment for the first time, or the hundredth time, know that it actually doesn’t matter.  Don’t look back to your other failed attempts at becoming healthy, we have all been there. Just know that you are making a GREAT CHOICE and success wouldn’t feel so damn good, if we didn’t know what failure felt like.

So, I hope that this helps you open your mind, to the ups and downs that will come in this journey to your new and healthy life. But know that YOU CAN DO IT! I know you can, and that is why I am here, to help you along the way!


I can!

I can!

I can!

Liz Martino
M. Ed., BA, CPT | Director and Co-Founder ‘The Kids O Course’


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