
I can’t help but purge this week…(not what you think)


Hey there,

So before you all think that I am harming myself through purging food, or whatever else your mind told you, I wanted to share my HEALTHY purge with you this week.

Most of you know that I traveled to Europe during March/April and when I got home I headed to Kentucky to watch an amazing horse show!

Since I have been home a lot of changes have taken place.

(1)I quit my part-time job at a Holistic Eating Disorder centre, so I could focus 100% on my own business

(2)My boyfriend moved in

(3)We adopted a rescue puppy who we named Riley who is living with us now too!

Needless to say there were A LOT of changes taking place.

I am not sure about you, but for me, oftentimes when I feel overwhelmed I feel stuck. In the past, I used to turn to food to deal with every single one of my emotions, being overwhelmed and anxious at the top of that list.

However, after years of feeling the guilt, hating on myself and my body, I have learned other methods to deal with these particular feelings that ALL individuals face from time-to-time.

This week I wanted to share with you the concept of a “healthy purge”.

To me, a “healthy purge” consists of an act of self-care, where which you CHOOSE to get rid of, organize and/or clean things that could be clutter in your outside environment (ie. Your closest, your fridge, your bookshelf, your emails) which, affect your inner world (your mind.)

I hope you know by now that my intention in being who I am in the world, is to share myself, as vulnerable and honestly as possible while helping others transform their lives. I am not perfect, nor do I want to be (anymore!). I don’t know everything and just because I have conquered my relationship with my body and food (which you can do too!), I still have lots of learning and growing to do.

This is why this week I wanted to invite you to perform a “healthy purge” in your life. Another way of looking at this is through SPRING CLEANING YOUR LIFE!springclean-icon

I promise you the act itself, will make you feel more confident, lighter, more free and the one who is directing your life!

Remember your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Watch how once you begin to shift your outer world, while working on your inner world, things will transform for you.

Here are my top four steps to help you do just this:

(Step 1) Identify ALL of the things you find yourself think about doing.

i.e. Here are some examples that I have been working on…

(A) Clean out all my old emails

(B) Organize taxes so far for 2014 so I am caught up

(C) Re-organize my cupboards in the kitchen and make and updated grocery list

(D) Go through my closest and donate clothes and other items I no longer wear

(Step 2) Schedule Time In Your Calendar As To When You Are Going To Tackle Each of these Items.

(A) Clean out all my old emails.
Date I want it completed: Sunday the 18th of May. Therefore I will work on it for 1 hour on Friday the 16th and one hour on Saturday the 17th

*its important to set this in you agenda because now you have a plan of how to tackle this

(Step 3) Get Really Clear As To What Your Intention Is For This?

Are you doing this just because you think you “should”?
If that is the case, then I am not sure if you will get the real benefits of this.

You need to know your intention for why you are choosing to do this.

i.e. Because once these things are cleaned up and organized, I feel that I can run my business/household/life more effectively and feel less stress as a result. This in turn will help my health, business, relationship with myself, my body, food, others and in turn my overall life.

(Step 4) Make this fun/comforting!

i.e. Find something you enjoy to go along with these acts. For me music always helps. If I need to focus on something and music is distracting, I often light candles and have a warm tea beside me. These are elements of comfort and put me in a good headspace to get things done. What’s yours?

So I invite you to work through these “healthy purge” or “spring cleaning of your life” steps and watch how your who world (inner and outer) begins to shift!


Spring Clean Your Life Today!

Are you sick of having the countless things to do that affect your mindset and your life? Are you ready to clear out all the junk, so you can laser focus on what you want to do to improve your relationship with yourself, your body, the food that you eat & your life?


From what I know about you, you are!

As part of the May Special which I am offering for 60% off

– one of the free gifts, you can receive is..

ONE FREE COACHING SESSION with me to help you deal with just this!

Just follow these easy steps below….

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the button that says, “CLICK HERE to grab your free gifts”


NOW is your time to have spring clean your life today!



Paula Galli, Hons. BSc. Psych, CNP, RNCP, ROHP

Transformational Coach, Food Therapist, Author of “Weighing Love”
416.882.6098 – Please “like” me while there so we can stay connected!!!

P.S. (MAY SPECIAL!!! 60% OFF!!!) Get instant access to 5 AMAZING FREE GIFTS with your purchase of, “Weighing Love”. Take advantage of this May special today.

6 thoughts on “I can’t help but purge this week…(not what you think)”

  1. that first step is just what I need! list of all my unfinished tasks – that alone will take half an hour – these things have been dragging around in the corners of my brain all week. I need to corral them before I drive myself insane…then I’ll figure out what to work on first. Thanks for this!

    1. Awesome!!! I am so happy to hear that you are going to spring clean you life!!!! think of it in less than an hour you will fell like you are choosing your life! 🙂 you are very welcome!

  2. I hear this so clearly. After a lifetime of accumulating “things” I have come to a place where decluttering by giving things away has become so positive. It’s still difficult for me at times but every gifting makes it easier.
    Here’s to less!!

  3. I too need a total declutter. I have already asked my 30 year old daughter to leave home and when she has gone (no dates yet but she is looking for somewhere to buy!) I shall have the room to sort and store until the time comes to sell, donate or throw away!!
    Thanks for reminding me that this has to be done.
    I am looking forward to a life with less.

    1. Great to hear from you Eileen! Look at all those amazing action steps you have taken to create the life of your dreams!! You are very welcome, I look forward to hearing from you and how your life feels with less 🙂 Happy long weekend!

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